Gala Concert in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington

On May 24th, 2018, a Gala concert on the occasion of the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Alphabet took place in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. The event was also dedicated to the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the 115th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the USA. It is part of the European Month of Culture in Washington.

Famous Bulgarian artists and performers living in the USA participated in the concert: Mrs. Pavlina Dokovska, Director of the Piano Department at the Mannes Music School in New York; Ms. Lora Chekoratova (piano); Mr. Georgi Valchev (violin); Mr. Zlatomir Fung (cello) and Ms. Julia Angelov (violin).

Works of Pancho Vladigerov (Vardar Rhapsody), Petko Staynov (Thracian Rachenitsa), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Pablo Sarasate, Claude Debussy, Paul Schoenfield, Leonard Bernstein, Grigoras Dinicu, David Popper were performed.

Here are some pictures from the event: